I recorded the effects I was feeling from Keppra:
- Complete loss of appetite and rapid weight loss
- Small pimples all over my body (my skin was in so much pain that I could not brush my hair without wincing)
- Unbearable fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of coordination--it became very hard to write and grasp objects
- Inability to think or process information (I even had to leave one of my classes early because I couldn't teach anymore)
- Horrible anxiety, worse than anything I had ever previously felt
- Inability to walk (I went from being able to run 5 miles to not being able to walk 1 mile)
- Sight problems--I could no longer see my computer screen without my glasses, even when holding it up close
- Muscular pain
On July 14th I asked the neurosurgeon about my prescription. He said he couldn't do anything about prescriptions, but he gave me a referral to a neurologist at OHSU. The only drawback was that my neurologist couldn't see me until August 2nd. I nearly had a panic attack on July 14th and could hardly sleep that night. With no doctor being able to tell me why I was taking the Keppra, I stopped. Two days later, I was back to myself and felt incredibly relieved.
Before my neurology appointment I was so worried they would tell me I needed to go back on Keppra. When the neurologist told me that anti-convulsants were unnecessary at that point, I was thrilled. They also told me that if I needed an anti-convulsant in the future, they had a recommendation and would forward it onto my neurosurgeon. I was so grateful to be taken seriously and get positive feedback.
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